Africa, DRC, Democratic Republic of the Congo, S. Kivu, Katana. Women for Women project. Women from the Bulama group,  weaving baskets to sell in the local market, they take about 2 hours to make each one. Solange Bahadi (22yrs w/daughter), Georgetter Bysane (28, w/baby on back), Georgette Kavujwa (40, red hat),  Esperance Maneno (40 yrs, married 4 kids).

1 images
Africa, DRC, Democratic Republic of the Congo, S. Kivu, Katana. Women for Women project. Women from the Bulama group, weaving baskets to sell in the local market, they take about 2 hours to make each one. Solange Bahadi (22yrs w/daughter), Georgetter Bysane (28, w/baby on back), Georgette Kavujwa (40, red hat), Esperance Maneno (40 yrs, married 4 kids).
  • Date: 2 Jul 2014
  • Location: Katana South Kivu Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Filename: AWright_DRC_02039.jpg
  • Image size: 854x1280 pixels