Uganda, Adjumani. South Sudan refugees in refugee camps. Pagirinya Camp. Joyce escaped from South Sudan on her own and arrived in this camp in 2016 after a very difficult journey. With the help from a scholarship from the NGO Mercy Beyond Borders she has been able to attend St. Mary's School. She boards at school but here in the camp helps at home and studies under challenging conditions.

1 images
Uganda, Adjumani. South Sudan refugees in refugee camps. Pagirinya Camp. Joyce escaped from South Sudan on her own and arrived in this camp in 2016 after a very difficult journey. With the help from a scholarship from the NGO Mercy Beyond Borders she has been able to attend St. Mary's School. She boards at school but here in the camp helps at home and studies under challenging conditions.
  • Date: 25 Jan 2018
  • Location: Adjumani Uganda
  • Filename: AWright_UG_022292.jpg
  • Image size: 5504x8256 pixels