Bjorn, dogsled driver   <br />
Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Arctic Norway 2009.<br />
When Bjorn took me out dogsledding there was such an unusual lack of snowfall that we had wheels on our dogsled. He pointed out that Longyearbyen, with less than 2000 people, houses the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, an underground facility that stores millions of crop seeds. This area was chosen for its remoteness and the facility is designed to protect the seeds against natural and human disasters, flood, fire and holocaust. Knowing our last possible food source was stored there really gave me the feeling of having reached the ends of the earth.

Face to Face: Portraits of the Human Spirit

184 images
Bjorn, dogsled driver
Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Arctic Norway 2009.
When Bjorn took me out dogsledding there was such an unusual lack of snowfall that we had wheels on our dogsled. He pointed out that Longyearbyen, with less than 2000 people, houses the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, an underground facility that stores millions of crop seeds. This area was chosen for its remoteness and the facility is designed to protect the seeds against natural and human disasters, flood, fire and...
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  • Date: 23 Jul 2009
  • Location: Norway
  • Filename: 081.tif
  • Image size: 2832x4256 pixels