Fransine rebuilds her life after the Rwandan Genocide, Kigali, Rwanda 2008.<br />
As tensions escalated between Tutsi and Hutu people, the Rwandan Genocide resulted in the 1994 mass murder of 800,000 people in the small Eastern African nation of Rwanda. Rape was systematic and was used as weapon, with estimates of up to 500,000 Rwandanese women and girls being brutally victimized. I met Fransine as she’s learning to sew through an income generating project at a Women for Women International Center.

Face to Face: Portraits of the Human Spirit

184 images
Fransine rebuilds her life after the Rwandan Genocide, Kigali, Rwanda 2008.
As tensions escalated between Tutsi and Hutu people, the Rwandan Genocide resulted in the 1994 mass murder of 800,000 people in the small Eastern African nation of Rwanda. Rape was systematic and was used as weapon, with estimates of up to 500,000 Rwandanese women and girls being brutally victimized. I met Fransine as she’s learning to sew through an income generating project at a Women for Women...
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  • Date: 5 May 2008
  • Location: Africa
  • Filename: 043.tif
  • Image size: 2832x4256 pixels