Monks at Bayon Temple, Angkor, Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge killed more than two million monks, doctors, artists, judges, teachers, musicians-anyone with an education. In 1991, after twenty-five years of genocide and civil war, an international peace treaty was finally signed to create a free democratic nation.

Face to Face: Portraits of the Human Spirit

184 images
Monks at Bayon Temple, Angkor, Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge killed more than two million monks, doctors, artists, judges, teachers, musicians-anyone with an education. In 1991, after twenty-five years of genocide and civil war, an international peace treaty was finally signed to create a free democratic nation.
  • Date: 1 Jan 2006
  • Location: Siem Reap Cambodia
  • Filename: 005.tif
  • Image size: 5250x3405 pixels