AWright_Tanz_008939.jpg<br />
Tanzania<br />
Fatuma Mochina is a farmer in Morogoro. With BRAC’s help, Fatuma learned how to raise dairy cows, turkeys, goats and chickens. She teaches others in her community what she knows to help them improve their businesses. She earns about $500 per month.

African Inspiration: Women at Work/BRAC Exhibition

37 images
Fatuma Mochina is a farmer in Morogoro. With BRAC’s help, Fatuma learned how to raise dairy cows, turkeys, goats and chickens. She teaches others in her community what she knows to help them improve their businesses. She earns about $500 per month.
  • Date: 30 Sep 2012
  • Location:
  • Filename: AWright_Tanz_008939.tif
  • Image size: 4781x7181 pixels